Go Rebuild My Church

”Go Rebuild My Church.” In these Podcasts, we explore ways to put into practice the words spoken to St. Francis of Assisi by our Lord Jesus and how this theme is relevant as we seek to bring renewal to the Church today! Leslie’s and my passion for renewal was ignited when we returned to the Catholic Church 14 years ago. And that is when we heard the call to rebuild and joined efforts with many other renewal movements within the Church. You can learn more about our journey home and our lay apostolate dedicated to renewal in the Catholic Church by visiting our website at www.catholicdiscipleshipministries.org. Our prayer is through the ministry of this Podcast program and our lay apostolate we can provide pathways for you to join the rebuilding process and experience renewal. We want to welcome listeners joining us for the first time. In our podcasts, we look at the sacred scripture, excerpts from the catechism, the lives of the saints, and the teaching of the Church, as we seek to challenge individuals, families, and local parishes to Rebuild and Renew the Catholic Faith here in America.

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Monday Jun 24, 2024

This week, Peter discusses the Church of Pergamum in chapter two of Revelation. There were three groups Jesus addressed in this church. Last week, one of the groups in this local parish was faithful to the Lord. The two groups we look at this week are displeasing to Jesus. They have given in to sexual sins and are practicing idolatry. So also, today, Catholic Christians have a huge battle that must be waged and won: the battle against pornography. Pornography is a spiritual plague affecting clergy, consecrated religious, and laypeople alike. This multi-billion dollar satanic business must be identified as a clear and present danger to individuals, families, and parishes. Just as the church in Pergamum had to turn away from sexual sins, so too, countless Catholics caught up in this grave sin must seek forgiveness, deliverance, and healing from the Lord and His mighty power to save.

Monday Jun 24, 2024

 Peter introduces the third Church in this week's series, the Church at Pergamum. Jesus comes to this church, announcing He is the One Who had the two-edged sword! This parish at first is commended because there is a group within the church that remains faithful to Jesus amidst being surrounded by extreme idolatry within the city. The throne of Satan, as well as the emperor's worship, contends against the people of God. A faithful bishop, Antipas, gives his life up to martyrdom rather than compromise the Faith. Just as those saints of old had to reject the temptation of idolatry, so too must we, in this 21st-century Western culture, be aware of the idols that surround us and reject them. Jesus was very mindful of the lifestyle to His people at the church at Pergamum and He evaluated it. So, too, He does with us and our parish!

Monday Jun 24, 2024

This week, Peter discusses the second church in the book of Revelation in Smyrna. This is the only one of two churches that Jesus only commends and does not call to repentance. In this church, the Christians are being persecuted, and some are thrown in prison. This broadcast helps us, as believers, to know that severe persecution is taking place throughout the world among our brothers and sisters. We cannot remain passive. Instead, we have a biblical responsibility to remember the suffering of our brethren in the faith throughout the world. How do we do that? Pray, pray, pray! The book of Hebrews chapter 3 verse 3 reminds us: “Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you also are in the body.“

Monday Jun 24, 2024

This week, Peter interviewed Father John Riccardo, the founder of the apostolate ACTS XXIX, and the recent outreach called The Rescue Project. Father Riccardo shares his passion for seeing the Church renewed and how The Rescue Project will facilitate this renewal.  - Father Riccardo takes time to share the "bad news". Satan and his minions have had a plan since time began to destroy our lives and make God's People ineffective. Jesus came and destroyed the works of Satan and opened the entrance for us into the Kingdom of the Lord, Christ Jesus! This interview will inspire you and give you hope!

Monday Jun 24, 2024

- This week, Peter and Leslie discuss the church at Ephesus and Jesus’s call for this parish to repent. They had left their “First Love” and because they did their lamp stand or light was about to be removed. If the first love is lost, we must return to that place of our initial love for Jesus Christ that we saw pictured in the first church built after Pentecost in Jerusalem. We can also see this love spoken of by Saint Paul in First Corinthians 13. Using that portion of scripture as a mirror will help us like a compass does, as it points us in the right direction. Finally, we see our Lord Jesus call Saint Peter back to the first love in John 21 in his post-resurrection appearance. The honesty of Saint Peter, saying that in his own person, he is incapable of walking in his first love, the agape. We learned that it’s only through the transformation that comes from following Jesus that we can walk in this love.

Monday Jun 24, 2024

This week, Peter and Leslie describe the seven churches of Revelation. The Church of Ephesus is a significant church among the churches of Asia- a "Mother Church." When Jesus speaks to them, He commends them for their endurance, hatred of evil, labor, and doctrinal purity. But, they have a severe flaw-they have left their "first love." The Doanes share from their journeys what the first love is and how we, too, can identify those characteristics that express this love that the Lord shows is so critical to pleasing Him!

Monday Jun 24, 2024

 This week, Peter and Leslie continue introducing a new series, "The Book of Revelation Opens the Door for Rebuilding," Part II. This portion of Sacred Scripture is given to us, the Church, so that we may learn what Jesus desires to take place in the local parish. Jesus tells John to address seven local churches. These seven churches existed at the time of the writing, yet also, according to most scholars, are representative of every church in every age! During this broadcast, the Doanes help our listening audience have a working knowledge of the book and an understanding of why this scripture is so important to our Catholic journey. Reading this apocalyptic book will become a life changer and help us out of a secular mentality into a Christian spiritual mentality

Monday Jun 24, 2024

This week, Peter and Leslie bring to the broadcast a new series, "The Book of Revelation Opens the Door for Rebuilding." This portion of Sacred Scripture is given to us, the Church, so that we may learn what Jesus desires to take place in the local parish. Jesus tells John to address seven local churches. These seven churches existed at the time of the writing, yet also, according to most scholars, are representative of every church in every age! During this broadcast, the Doanes help our listening audience have a working knowledge of the book and an understanding of why this scripture is so important to our Catholic journey. Reading this apocalyptic book will become a life changer and help us move from a secular mentality into a Christian spiritual mentality!

Monday Jun 24, 2024

 This week, Peter and Leslie conclude their series, "The Call to Return to Biblical Christianity." At the conclusion of the Acts of the Apostles, Acts chapter 28. St. Luke described St. Paul during his two-year imprisonment in Rome. He was staying in rented quarters, chained to a Roman soldier, yet receiving all who came to him, proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching all about the Lord Jesus Christ. Scholars point out that St Luke does not end his writing with a conclusion but rather is open-ended, implicitly telling us this activity must continue in the Church until the end of time! As we seek to rebuild and renew the Catholic Church here in America, we cannot improve what the Apostle models for us, but rather seek to replicate the message and boldness of St. Paul in the twenty-first century!

Monday Jun 24, 2024

This week, Peter and Leslie discuss Paul’s confinement in a Roman prison. Behind the scenes, he wrote four powerful epistles during this time. In this last chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, even though Saint Paul is in chains, the Lord used him in powerful ways to lay the foundation of our Catholic church. If we are to join Paul and affirm the building of the church, we, too, are called to participate and affirm those principles that he established through these prison epistles.

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